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1,516 renters viewed this listing. Apply before someone else does.

Entire place in Williamsburg, NY


1 bath

Fully furnished

Building requirements

There are 2 requirements to apply for this rental:

Credit score over 600

Less than 2 eviction judgements

These requirements and expectations are set and updated by the owner or the property manager.


What are you looking for in a tenant?

Looking for someone who will enjoy living in the heart of Prime Williamsburg, 1 block from the Bedford L and 2 blocks from McCarren Park as much as I have. It’s been a phenomenal place to live, but I’m escaping the city for the Winter to live in the Colorado Mountains.

What do you love about this place?

The rooftop is wonderful and everyone is very friendly! If you have a pet or just like the chance to decompress by meeting someone dog in the lobby, you’ll love the place. It’s your choice, you can keep to yourself or have a great conversation with the door people. High quality amenities, finishes, and professional management. Yes the gym is open! It’s limited to 2 people at a time, but that’s generally the most people you would see in there even pre-covid. Everyone in the building is very Covid conscious (masks are kept on in common spaces with hand sanitizer readily available). I’ve used the screening room to have friends over for a football game, movie night, etc. is almost always available and free to use. Oh, and the “bodega” (Organic Planet) downstairs is killer! Very well kept, juice bar, tons of organic foods, pharmacy on site, and more. I actually have friends who walk past their normal markets to come buy things from there.

What isn't so great about this place?

I’m truly struggling to come up with something here... I guess it’s be nice if my window faced the street, but then I’d also worry about street noise when I keep it open.





Fiber Internet


Laundry in Building


Katie C.

asked on Feb 20

Hi! Does the apartment get good sunlight? Thank you.


“It gets great mid day and afternoon sun!“

Cayla B.

asked on Nov 9

Hi would you be willing to rent the apartment unfurnished? Please let me know, and thank you!


“Hi Cayla, thanks for your question! Yes, Unfurnished can be done! The sublet would need to be confirm with enough time for the furniture to be removed before November 19th.“



Joined in July 2019

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Williamsburg, NY

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