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78 renters viewed this listing. Apply before someone else does.

Entire place in Westwood, CA

1 bed

1 bath

Fully furnished


Why are you looking for a renter? Me and my roommate no longer need the apartment because we are taking classes online. What do you love about this place? The parking spot is non-tandem and is located in the back of the building, it has large living room windows, the kitchen has its own backdoor entrance, the bedroom is large enough to fit 3 beds, lots of storage, and central heating. 0.3 mile walk to Starbucks, and 0.5 mile walk to the center of campus. Comes with couch, arm chair, coffee table, futon, desk, office chair, rug, dinning table + 2 chairs, microwave, toaster oven, electric kettle, bathroom and kitchen trashcan, broom + dustpan. Twin sized bed with headboard is negotiable, vacuum is negotiable. What isn't so great about this place? The water quality is not the best and it can get warm during the summer months. The apartment is on the older side, but that's why it is affordable compared to other apartments in the area.


Laundry in Building



Couples OK


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Westwood, CA

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