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403 renters viewed this listing. Apply before someone else does.

Entire place in New York, NY

1 bed

1 bath

Fully furnished

Building requirements

There are 3 requirements to apply for this rental:

Annual income over 36x the rent

Credit score over 600

Less than 1 eviction judgements

These requirements and expectations are set and updated by the owner or the property manager.


Why are you looking for a renter? As much as I love living in such a vibrant and having a centrally located apartment that exceeds all my needs and wants, my job allows me to work remotely and because I am a travel enthusiast, I plan to continue enjoying many more adventures for the remainder of my lease. What do you love about this place? To start, the apartment is on the 18th floor that has beautiful views of union square park where you can enjoy looking out admiring the hustle and bustle of the city, without hearing all the noise of it due to the apartment being located on such a high floor. My neighbors are all respectful, keeping to themselves, and friendly when we encounter each other. The building gym is very spacious and clean with state-of-the-art equipment. There are Grills on a beautiful private terrace, perfect for summer bbq's and intimate gatherings. The door staff is very respectful, helping the residents with a smile; An absolute delight all around. The lobby is well kept as well as the amenities (gym, terrace, laundry room, etc.) As far as transportation goes, the apartment is adjacent to the 4/5/6 L/N/Q/R trains which are located right outside the lobby doors. Cabs are always passing by, so it is easy to jet out including any Ubers, Lyft, or other preferred car services one may use. There are numerous citi bike rental stations within walking distance as well. There are delicious restaurants, Whole Foods one block away, hotel rooftops, book stores, cafes, movie theaters and of last but not least, some of the best shopping, located on New York's most iconic streets, Fifth Avenue and Park ave.


Fiber Internet




Laundry in Building



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