1 of 8

172 renters viewed this listing. Apply before someone else does.

Entire place in Downtown, CA

1 bed

1.5 baths

Partially furnished


Why are you looking for a renter? Hello - I am going to be moving overseas so I am looking for a subletter for the rest of my lease. In order to qualify, you must be able to pass a background check from the management company and be able to show you have a monthly income of 2.5x the rent. (At least $5,725/month pre-tax). In order to sublet, you will actually have to be added to the lease through the management company as a "roommate" then I will be removed, so I will have no additional responsibility. I'll even let you have whatever remains of the security deposit I put down (it was only $300) after your move out. What do you love about this place? Great space - tons of room. This unit is on the top floor, so no one above you, and only has 1 shared wall (and pretty nice neighbors!) Unit comes with one reserved garage spot and guest parking is available, which is special for the area. I can sell you most of the furnishings if you would like for a very a screaming deal (including dishes/pots/pans/etc). Otherwise, I can sell off through other routes and leave the apartment empty. What isn't so great about this place? Its carpeted, which is a negative for me. It is across the hall from the garbage chute, but it rarely smells bad in the hall (never in the apartment).





Washer / Dryer in unit


Pets Allowed


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Joined in June 2019

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Downtown, CA

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