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1,085 renters viewed this listing. Apply before someone else does.

Entire place in Bedford-Stuyvesant, NY

1 bed

1 bath


Building requirements

There are 3 requirements to apply for this rental:

Annual income over 40x the rent

2 verifications

Credit score over 700

Less than 2 eviction judgements

These requirements and expectations are set and updated by the owner or the property manager.


Why are you looking for a renter? I am starting graduate school in North Carolina and am looking for someone to take over the final 3 months of my lease in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn. After the lease is over you have the option to renew. What do you love about this place? The apartment does not feel like a studio - the kitchen is in a separate room, the bathroom is huge, and the living space is large and gets a ton of natural light. The building has laundry, gym, yoga studio, movie theater, work space, and coffee bar in the lobby. There is also a 24/7 doorman. Located 1 block from the JZ train at Gates Avenue, it's a breeze to get to Manhattan. Tons of cute coffee shops and restaurants in the area! What isn't so great about this place? The grocery stores in the area could be better - I usually purchase groceries in Manhattan after work.




Laundry in Building


Outdoor Space

Central AC


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Joined in April 2019

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Bedford-Stuyvesant, NY

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-56 months

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option to re-sign

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