1 of 9

86 renters viewed this listing. Apply before someone else does.

Entire place in Downtown Brooklyn, NY


1 bath

Partially furnished

Building requirements

There is one requirement to apply for this rental:

Annual income over 40x the rent

3 verifications

These requirements and expectations are set and updated by the owner or the property manager.


Why are you looking for a renter? I left the city prior to when the COVID-19 pandemic hit and will be unable to return until after the lease expires. Due to this uncertainty, I believe a lease assignment would be the best path forward. The apartment is an alcove studio on the 23rd floor of City Tower (https://brodsky.com/rentals/downtown-brooklyn/city-tower). The end date of the lease is February 28th 2021. In addition to the attached photos, you may also see a virtual tour of the apartment here: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=fi3fjhhWrsh. Please let me know if you would be interested in an in-person, self-guided tour. I'm offering to leave some furniture like a nice white L-shaped leather couch and a comfortable queen bed, but I'm also happy to negotiate between leaving the furniture and requiring a security deposit. What do you love about this place? The location. It’s right next to the Dekalb Avenue subway station (B/Q/R) and within walking distance (~5 minute) to many other lines (A/C/F/G/2/3/4/5), making it easy to commute across Brooklyn and to Manhattan and Williamsburg. It’s also located in the same building as many different stores (Target, Trader Joes), amenities (Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, House of Wax museum), and Dekalb Market Hall. Other than that, there are many other stores within walking distance along Fulton street. Other than the location, there are many great amenities in the building, like a common outdoor space and gym and basket ball court, and in the unit, like a washer/dryer and dishwasher. What isn't so great about this place? Nothing really. My only nitpick is that the floor plan is slightly inconvenient: there's an HVAC unit near each window and a small corner protrusion.






Laundry in Building

Pets Allowed


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Downtown Brooklyn, NY

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-38 months

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