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85 renters viewed this listing. Apply before someone else does.

Private room in Manhattan, NY

2 beds

1 bath

Partially furnished

Building requirements

There are 3 requirements to apply for this rental:

Annual income over 36x the rent

Credit score over 600

Less than 1 eviction judgements

These requirements and expectations are set and updated by the owner or the property manager.


Large partially-furnished master bedroom in a true 2 bedroom (the other bedroom is fully separate, across the living room). DISCOUNTED at 15% off what I'm paying! Great location! In a quiet part of Greenwich Village, insulated from street noise, less than 2 blocks from Washington Square Park, 3 blocks from the A, C, E, B, D, F, M trains! Lots of great restaurants nearby on MacDougal St. Exposed brick in the bedroom, which includes a comfortable full bed (no sheets) and two windows with blackout curtains to block out the morning sun. There's a spacious closet in the bedroom and a shared closet in the living room. The apartment is only two flights up (as opposed to most walk-ups in the area) The kitchen includes a microwave, dishwasher, fridge and freezer, stocked with kitchenware for home cooking. Excellent water pressure in the shower. Live-in super, laundry right across the street. The main downside is that the living room is a bit shady, but it is exposed to a sunlit shaft. Available now through the end of August. Heat/hot water/electricity/internet are included in the rent. Roommate is in his 20's, an easygoing coworker from my last company (we're both software engineers). Keeps to himself, keeps the common area clean. I'm trying to find a down-to-Earth, respectful roommate for him, someone who can communicate well.




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