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147 renters viewed this listing. Apply before someone else does.

Entire place in Manhattan, NY

1 bed

1 bath

Partially furnished


Why are you looking for a renter? Have accepted a job in Boston and will be moving to the Boston area prior to the end of my lease. What do you love about this place? Railroad style design that features separate kitchen, living room, full bathroom, and queen bedroom. Kitchen is equipped with marble flooring and countertops, dishwasher, gas stove/oven, and microwave. Apartment has three large closets, including two in the queen bedroom. Bedroom faces 9th ave providing plenty of natural light. If needed, apartment comes with large couch and queen bed (frame, mattress, boxspring. What isn't so great about this place? Three story walkup with laundry in building yet in the basement. Can be loud at times due to street facing windows. Bathroom is relatively small.



Laundry in Building

Pets Allowed


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