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55 renters viewed this listing. Apply before someone else does.

Entire place in Manhattan, NY

1 bed

1 bath



Why are you looking for a renter? I am moving abroad at the end of the year and I am looking to break my lease. Ideally I would find someone who would take on a new lease altogether beginning January. What do you love about this place? I love everything about this place. There is a lot of exposed brick which looks beautiful and quintessentially NYC. The place is spacious with granite kitchen counter tops. It has washer-dryer in unit which has been a life-saver. The bedroom is quite big and there is space for storage. The price is right for the neighborhood considering there is no broker's fee. The landlord is very kind and always available and so is the super. What isn't so great about this place? The building itself is pretty no-frills; no doorman (buzz goes to my cell which is great) or elevator (the apartment is on the third floor so that's not an issue).


Washer / Dryer in unit


Pets Allowed

Rooftop Access


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Joined in December 2018

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