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Private room in Belmont, NY

1 bed

1 bath

Fully furnished


Why are you looking for a renter? I'm a Fordham University student traveling for the summer, looking for someone to come enjoy my lovely apartment while I'm away. What do you love about this place? High ceilings, big windows, and hardwood floors are some of my favorite features of this place. We spend sunny days on our rooftop and love entertaining guests in our modern living room. My roommates and I spent a lot of time decorating the place, adding lots of houseplants, furry rugs, and unique art. My room is the largest in the apartment and boasts a closet with plenty of storage space. The room has two 7 foot windows, so there's always plenty of light. What isn't so great about this place? We make do without a dishwasher & washer/dryer but have grown to love our laundromat around the corner.


Outdoor Space

Rooftop Access


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