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373 renters viewed this listing. Apply before someone else does.

Entire place in Clinton Hill, NY


1 bath


Why are you looking for a renter? I'm leaving this apartment June 2 to move into a one bedroom with my partner, and need someone who would be willing to sign on to a 12-month lease with my landlord. My preference would be a early or mid-June move-in date. This studio features… Plenty of living space A large kitchen, set apart from the main living space Newly installed hardwood floors throughout Brand new windows with grill design Awesome sunlight Ceramic bathroom WiFi/cable available in the building Air conditioner (it's installed, and I 'm selling it at a discounted price) The apartment itself is on the upper level of a well-kept brownstone, and its location is excellent. You’re just blocks away from great restaurants, bars, coffee shops and multiple grocery stores (Speedy Romeo, Mekelburg's, Do or Dive, Black Swan, Clementine Bakery, Playground Coffee). The building is closest to the G train at Classon and C train at Clinton-Washington. It’s also right next to multiple bus lines. No pets. No smoking. Prefer working, serious applicant. Please contact building manager/super to set up a viewing! Her number is 718-857-1539. What do you love about this place? What I love most about this place is the light. It's stunning in the morning with it's eastern-facing windows. Also, the kitchen feels like a separate room from the living space, which is awesome. What isn’t so great about this place? The main downside is no laundry in the building, but there are a couple laundromats close by.


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