1 of 19

636 renters viewed this listing. Apply before someone else does.

Entire place in Bushwick, NY

3 beds

1 bath

Partially furnished

Building requirements

There are 3 requirements to apply for this rental:

Annual income over 36x the rent

Credit score over 600

Less than 1 eviction judgements

These requirements and expectations are set and updated by the owner or the property manager.


Why are you looking for a renter? We've moved out of apartment early. Our lease ends in 2 months and we're looking for someone to replace us. What do you love about this place? We love the amount of space we have, and the newly renovated amenities. The floors are beautiful, it has brand new A/C units and an awesome renovated kitchen. It's peaceful and quiet, has roof access and has great views of the J train and trees. It's only a block from the J train making getting to Manhattan a breeze. What isn't so great about this place? One quirk is that the third bedroom is very small and disconnected from the living room and two bedrooms. We have been renting it at $600/month and the other two normal-sized rooms at $1000 each.


Fiber Internet

Rooftop Access


Claudette W.

asked on Sep 1

Can this place fit a family of 5 ppl n do u accept cityfeps voucher?


“I think it's a bit tight for 5, and I don't accept cityfeps, sorry and good luck :/“

Alexandra D.

asked on Aug 19

Why is the price only $2,000, and also can we use guarantors?


“Hey sorry, looks like the last response got messed up because I posted a google streetview link to try to show you the front. It's on the 4th floor, it's the building all the way to the right, partially covered by the tree if you search 829 Bushwick Ave on google maps. To answer your question, we pay 2,885.00, but we're offering it for the rest of the term (until september 30) for $2000/mo. The Landlord is open to negotiating a new lease“

Anne L.

asked on Aug 18

what floor is this on / how many floors in the building? What does exterior of building look like?


“hey Anne, it's on the 4th floor. Here's the building from the outside (its the red building too the right with the tree partially in front) https://www.google.com/maps/place/829+Bushwick+Ave,+Brooklyn,+NY+11221,(email hidden),-73.9271953,3a,75y,35.98h,93.77t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s9R1LHeIBFsdI01pDLe-f2Q!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo3.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3D9R1LHeIBFsdI01pDLe-f2Q%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dsearch.gws-prod.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D86%26h%3D86%26yaw%3D40.21185%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c25c0e57a69f2b:0x76a0ac155079fd9f!8m2!3d40.6947294!4d-73.9269922“



Joined in July 2020

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